A Thank You from Dr. Will

A Thank You from Dr. Will

A Thank You from Dr. Will

A Thank You from Dr. Will

A Thank You from Dr. Will

A Thank You from Dr. Will

A Thank You from Dr. Will

A Thank You from Dr. Will

A Thank You from Dr. Will

Greetings to you all!

I wanted to take a moment and reflect on the last few years of my life here in Fargo, ND. To begin, the WIND here is no joke! I thought Canadians were the toughest when it comes to frigid winters, but after being here for three of them, I realized just how resilient folks are around here.

“Why would you move to Fargo?” I hear from time to time. Well, there are many reasons. First of all, after meeting Dr. Josh at a seminar early on while I was in Graduate School, I was blown away by his presentation and by the healing stories that he shared with the group. While chowing down on some Domino’s pizza following the Seminar, I approached Dr. Josh to not only express how thankful I was for him being there to share his great information, but I also wanted to chat with him about how Ignite Chiropractic operates and learn more about the community that he serves. Let’s just say I left that conference room motivated and inspired. I also felt an even stronger internal fire burning with a desire to serve others. Here at Ignite we often talk about “The Ripple Effect” and it’s absolutely amazing to be a part of that first hand every day at the Practice. I cannot express how thankful I am to have met Dr. Josh and the life changing experience that occurred that day three and a half years ago.

The next chapter begins!

Approaching my final Internship, I reached out to Dr. Josh to discuss the opportunity to join “Team Ignite”. After shadowing just one evening shift, I knew Ignite was the perfect place for my family and me. Witnessing first hand the interactions with Practice Members and being there in person to hear their healing stories was incredible. Furthermore, the Team was so welcoming, and I was blown away by how the Team Members got along and the passion they displayed to serve this community. My entire life I have wanted to help others with their health and wellness and I knew this office was the right fit for me. Neurologically-based Principled Chiropractic Care changed my life and now I can be a part of that for so many individuals and families.

Every day that I get to be at Ignite is such a blessing. Life can be a rollercoaster at times and so can healing, as we know that it isn’t linear.  We love being a part of those highs and lows and supporting people through those seasons. What we do here at Ignite is so special, and I will never take that for granted. 

In closing, what I am most thankful for are the Practice Members that we get to serve. Whether it’s pregnant moms, infants, adolescents, adults, or ancient people like Dr. Josh and myself, we get to help so many in their healing journeys. Chiropractic can help in SO many ways. It is not only about headaches, migraines, back pain, or allergies. It is about the overall function of the Nervous System and the body’s ability to adapt/self-heal.

We thank you for not only trusting us with your health, but staying proactive. Without health, what would anything else mean?

admin none 10:00 am — 1:00 pm & 3:00 pm — 7:00 pm 3:00 pm — 7:00 pm 10:00 am — 1:00 pm & 3:00 pm — 5:00 pm 10:00 am — 1:00 pm & 3:00 pm — 7:00 pm Closed Closed Closed chiropractor https://www.google.com/search?q=ignotie+chiropraxcctor+fargo&oq=ignotie+chiropraxcctor+fargo&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i13i512j69i60.199j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#lrd=0x52c8cd08952f8957:0xdc9a24f914bbcd36,3,,, https://www.facebook.com/fargochiropractor/reviews