Usually the reason we get sick is because we’ve been doing a poor job of this one essential health + resilience building action (or lack of action) – rest.
When we’re in a busy, stressful, chaotic season as an individual or as a family it very much depletes our body’s natural defenses and weakens our immune systems. This lowered resistance and resilience is what actually causes an illness to take hold, not merely the exposure to it (germ theory).
Therefore the most important thing our body craves and needs to get over the illness as quickly and effectively as possible is to rest.
This looks like not only extra sleep, but also just taking it easy when you’re awake. Do all you can to avoid checking emails or work messages as an adult, and do all you can to keep your child or teen away from phones, texts, YouTube, and TV when they are resting. While this can be quite boring and therefore difficult to do, it will help speed recovery in a major way.
Once again the lack of proper nutrients and nourishment is likely what led to the illness in the first place, so once again it makes sense to really prioritize this step and get lots of clean water stacked with electrolytes and minerals, lots of clean protein and macronutrients, and lots of superfood smoothies, fruits, and vegetables into your diet as possible.
While you or your child may not feel much like eating or drinking at all during the initial stages of the illness, once hunger and drive starts to kick in again that’s a sign the body is really ready to replenish so it’s important to load it up with all the right nutrients in doing so!
The two systems that take the biggest hit during an illness are of course the immune system, but also the nervous system, which controls and coordinates immune function.
You’ll want to recharge the nervous system by getting at least one (if not two) neurologically-focused chiropractic adjustments each day during the illness, and then absolutely load up on all immune system boosting and recharging supplements such as Vitamin D, Vitamin C, zinc, and so forth. Also things like bone broth, elderberry syrup, raw local honey, and various essential oils and homeopathic remedies can really help recharge and strengthen your immune system.
To get even more action steps and strategies to recharge and build your immune system back up, check out this PDF guide.
Point blank getting sick is a regular part of life. We’re all going to have times where we get busy, don’t quite keep our guard up, and a virus or illness gets a hold of us for a short season.
Having this 3R’s and “Kick the Sick” plan ready to roll out when we need it to get back to full health is a very normal and regular part of life!